Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Night train

Tonight was the official launch of Shrinking Violets. Along with three other readers -- a poet and two other novella-ists (is that a word?), I read to a most supportive audience at Toronto's 'Supermarket'. I loved that venue as the site for the launch, as Reggie, the book's main character, works as a cashier in a supermarket. And even though the evening was drizzly and cold, it was fun to wander around Kensington Market before the reading began.

The photo above is from when we made our way 'home' -- to where we're staying with relatives, near Hamilton. For a while, we were the only ones riding the streetcar, and even through the mist, seeing the lake near Harbourfront was magical.

A pokey ride home on the GO train, and we were back in the country, fog-bound but content after an evening of seeing good friends (and making new ones).

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