Monday, January 26, 2009

New beginnings

Today feels like a day of new beginnings. It's the first day of the Lunar New Year. This, the Year of the Ox carries the promise of living up to the famous Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. Interesting too is the fact that Barack Obama's sign on the Chinese zodiac is Ox. Feels auspicious!

It's also the day our Canadian government gets back down to business, after the too-long hiatus brought about by the proroguing of Parliament.

And on the other side of the world, it's Australia Day That day not only marks the country's birthday, it's the traditional end of summmer. Once the fireworks are over and the pavlovas are eaten, it will be the start of the school year.


John Mate said...

happy australia day, all my pavlova is gone!

hg said...

Hey, if you'd like to see my first attempt at making a pavlova (starting with 6 egg whites), see today's post on my other blog 'whats fer supper'.