Saturday, August 19, 2006

August 28, 1928 - August 12, 2006

In this world of unofficial marriages, this man, George Omorean, was my father-in-law. After a long struggle against cancer, he left this life one week ago, gone to whatever awaits us next. He was a good man, who got along with all kinds of people, even me. He accepted me, even though I was about the opposite of what they'd hoped for as a wife for their son, George. He even put up with my non-Romanian cooking.

He is survived by a fine family -- his wife, Persa; five adult children: John, Sophie, George, Leo, and Tom; three grandchildren (George, Gina, and Nick) and three great-grandchildren (Blake, Christopher, and Emily).

He leaves behind a beautiful farm in southern Ontario.
Here's a picture of 'my' George, strolling down the driveway there.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to read about your loss Heidi. Sending thoughts to you and George ...

Gus said...

Dear Heidi,
Thinking about you and 'our' George. Love, Angus and Agnes

Anonymous said...

Lyle here -- and my condolences to you and yours Heidi. But listen, I have something else I need to speak to you about, could you please email me when you've a moment
