Monday, June 21, 2021

Anniversaries and fresh starts

Although I knew that today is National Indigenous People's Day, if I hadn't heard it on the news, I wouldn't have realized that this is the 25th anniversary of this observance. Time. Such a strange phenomenon. Sometimes it moves so slowly; other times it seems to be in the blink of an eye. 

One aspect of this year's observance that seems worth noting is the fact that our current Parliamentary Poet Laureate, Louise Bernice Halfe -- Sky Dancer is Indigenous and spent part of her early years attending Residential School. 

Her poem called "Angels" reminds of us of the children whose graves were discovered at the old school in Kamloops. It's posted on the Poet-Laureate website and you can read it here


Janet Vickers said...

Heartbreaking. Unbelievable what some mothers went through.

Pam Galloway said...

I am glad the storm is coming.

Thanks Heidi for highlighting this important poem on a day of such significance for all of Canada. Being far away I have only recently learned of Louise Bernice Halfe -- Sky Dancer's appointment as Poet Laureate. She is a remarkable poet and strong voice for all Indigenous people. We all need to listen to her.

hg said...

Yes, Pam, listening seems to be the most important action any of us settlers can take right now.