Yes, I still go to the grocery store, though every day we eat something or other from the yard. And so much of it seems to just come up on its own -- golden plums, the berries (though I do prune them almost weekly from March through August) and this year, a trio of peaches.
The salad bar takes a bit more fussing, with much of it needing to dangle in hanging baskets to keep the slugs at bay. Still, fresh greens every night (oh yes, beans too) are hard to beat.
flowers, but at least they seem to leave me alone. A few of them might buzz around my hand or head, but they seem to prefer the flowers to me.
It's the thorns that keep wanting to grab, and are the reason I wear glasses when I pick.
Still, a few nicks don't bother me, especially when I know what dessert will be. Blackberries, fresh off the vine, with even one of the last stragglers from the raspberry canes.
Heaven. Who needs it. Not yet anyway.
Thank goodness for gardens and nature. It keeps gifting us. I admire your jam making skills and I have figs but somehow making fig jam doesn't taste that great.
I know what you mean about fig jam. It's not my favourite either. But hey, if you have a bounty of figs, why not try drying them? They last and last and are yummy 'as is' or even stewed so they come back to life. Maybe try this.
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