Monday, August 11, 2014

It must be summer...

 ... for me to be so lazy. Already the 11th of the month, and nary a blog post.

And not only have I been staying off the blog, but clearly I've not even been using the car enough, as look at that spider who's decided to build a home on the mirror.

Maybe he (she?) just got sucked in by things appearing closer (and larger?) in the mirror. Tasty bits of tiny bugs must be looking like much bigger feasts.

Even today's drink of choice is one that's lazy. Sun tea, a recipe that makes itself by sitting outside in
the sun for the day. This batch isn't actually tea, it's more like lemonade, but is made from the much more refreshing fruit, quince.

Cheers to summer and to keeping cool!


Janet Vickers said...

Dearest HG
I would like to sign up to get emails when you post a new item. On the layout menu there is a gadget called follow by email and if you upload that your readers can put their email address in and receive notification when you have a new post. That way I could follow your blog. Hugs, Janet

hg said...

Thank you, Janet. You know I've hesitated about doing this, as I hate the thought that I'm bugging people. Plus, you probably understand that I'm not good at putting myself forward. Nonetheless, I will do as you ask, though I may have to take an aspirin -- ouchie, ouch, ouch...

hg said...
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