Monday, September 16, 2024

Takin' a break

Last week meant a break from all that's 'normal' around here. We set out on a trip to Manning Park, a provincial park that offers the quiet of spending time in forest, without any interference from the demands of being online. For that matter, there's not even a power source (beyond the temporary support of batteries). It's become a kind of tradition to head out on a camping trip during the second week of September, as that's when the kids are back in school and the crowds have departed from the parks. 

Fortunately, the fire ban had been lifted, so we were able to have a campfire every night--a place to sit beside while we sat in comfy deck chairs and entertained ourselves with the old-fashioned simplicity of conversation. 

Daytime was for exploring some of the trails--places we'd been before, but because every year sees changes in the landscape, new sights presented themselves at nearly every turn. 

There's a calm that comes from being away from just about everything that constitutes our daily lives. And really, looking out over the Beaver Pond, hearing nothing more than birdsong and the riffling of leaves, it'd be downright challenging to feel uptight about anything. 


Sunday, September 08, 2024

A natural bouquet

I guess I'm just a sucker for nature. Sometimes its beauty seems almost too perfect to be real. That's the case with this stand of natural grasses that grow in the shade of our back yard. 

If ever there were a natural bouquet that says 'autumn' in my mind, it would be this batch of grass. 

And I think, even though we haven't yet experienced the equinox (but coming soon, it will arrive here on the west coast on September 22nd at 5:43 a.m.) that autumn is upon us. The batch of mushrooms that I picked the other day serve as one more sign convincing me. 

To all things, yes, there is a season. And in every season there is its own special beauty.