Monday, October 10, 2022

A day for giving thanks

Even though today is Thanksgiving, we had our big feast yesterday. So, today is a day to enjoy leftovers. For us, that means our supper will consist of a little pot of turkey soup and our traditional 'special' turkey sandwiches. I call them special because that's exactly what they are. 

Based on the memory of an ultra-delicious meal at a diner long ago, they're a tradition the members of our family love to carry on. As with so many 'recipes' -- in this case, more of a formula than an actual recipe -- it's all a matter of the right ingredients, every one of which seems essential: 

Turkey (of course!)

Sourdough bread (white and soft, but with steadfast crusts)

Swiss cheese


Alfalfa sprouts

Mayonnaise and salt and pepper, to taste

Whether you slice the turkey (or cheese) so it's thin as paper, or chunkier to give some real chew to the sandwich, those decisions are over to whoever plans to eat this extravaganza. 

In the meantime, I am grateful for the many blessings in my life, including (but not exclusive to) reliably wonderful leftovers. 

As for the little turkey in the photo, he rode the top of yesterday's dessert -- not pumpkin pie (an unwelcome guest at my table), but a molasses-y little ginger cake. 

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