Monday, August 06, 2018


That's a word we often hear. Ubiquitous. It's everywhere.

I know. It's a lot more than plastic straws that are ruining the oceans.

Everywhere I look I see plastic. My toothbrush, the phone, this computer I am typing on. Bread comes in plastic bags, so do cherries, tortillas, potatoes...

My feeble efforts to collect and recycle my plastic bags seem almost stupid, they are so insignificant. What eensy difference can taking my little bundle of bags to the recycling centre mean?

Would it really make any difference if everyone bothered to do this? Somehow, it's hard for me to believe it would.

Still, I am sure that I will carry on, trying to avoid plastic when I can -- whether a straw or a shopping bag. And when I gather a bunch of them, I will take them to the place where I believe (trust may be the more accurate word) someone takes them away to a place where they get converted into fleece jackets or maybe just more plastic bags.

If nothing else, I suppose it will at least help me feel a little better. If only it would make the ocean feel better.


Janet Vickers said...

Such is our existential lot that we feel any thing we do is minuscule against the ubiquitous nature of power (oil, gas, money, status, celebrity). But when it comes down to it - we really don't know how much we influence the day or others. Keep on taking your plastic begs to the depot Heidi - and writing your blog.

hg said...

Thank you, Janet. I suspect I shall continue doing both.